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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
602 Redmine Helpdesk plugin demo Support In Progress Normal Invitation to Agile summit Smith Paul 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
600 Redmine Agile plugin demo Task In Progress Normal Javascript method for Ajax POST request Stone Elizabeth 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
599 Redmine Agile plugin demo Bug New Normal Fix swimlane group helper Stone Elizabeth 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
598 Redmine Agile plugin demo Task In Progress Normal Invert text colors on card selection Pong Steven 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
597 Redmine Agile plugin demo Task Resolved Normal New card field selection view Smith Paul 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
596 Redmine Agile plugin demo Task In Progress Normal Sort cards by swim lane param Stone Elizabeth 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
595 Redmine Agile plugin demo Task New Normal Create collapse/expand buttons Smith Paul 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
594 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story New Normal Board live search 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
593 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story New Normal Customize cards on the board 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
592 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story New Normal Swimlanes 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
589 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story New Normal Velocity chart 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
588 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story Resolved Normal Backlog and sprint planning Smith Paul 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
587 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story In Progress Normal Sortable board cards Stone Elizabeth 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
586 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story New Low Cumulative flow chart 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
584 Redmine Agile plugin demo Task Resolved Immediately Setup CI server Pong Steven 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
583 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story New Normal Print Tasks 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
580 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story New Low Add big avatars 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
579 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story Resolved Normal Assign Task to Area Pong Steven 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
578 Redmine Agile plugin demo User story In Progress High Edit Project with many lines. How will it look like on the board Smith Paul 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
576 Redmine CRM plugin demo Task Resolved High Wire up the contact form, and set it to go to the support box Stone Elizabeth 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
575 Redmine CRM plugin demo Task In Progress Normal The product info is too low, it needs to be moved further up Pong Steven 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
574 Redmine Helpdesk plugin demo Support In Progress Normal Questions about commercial support Stone Elizabeth 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
572 Redmine CRM plugin demo Task New Normal Create commercial proposal for Romashka Pong Steven 03/12/2025 06:22 Actions
571 Redmine CRM plugin demo Task Resolved Normal Send invoice to Romashka Smith Paul 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
557 Redmine Invoices plugin demo Task New Normal Cashing for invoice total amount 03/12/2025 05:00 Actions
(1-25/46) Per page: 25, 50

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