Father Frost and Snow Maiden are the most important characters of the New Year's celebration in Russia. Father Frost (Ded Moroz, Russian: Дед Мороз) plays a role similar to that of Santa Claus. The literal translation of the name would be "Grandfather Frost". However, English-speakers traditionally translate "DED MOROZ" as the alliterative "FATHER FROST". Ded Moroz is always accompanied by his granddaughter Snegurochka - Snow Maiden (Russian: Снегурочка).
Buy Ded Moroz suit, Added by Smith Paul 17 days ago ¶
It's not so good, but my little son Max will be happy
Buy Ded Moroz suit, Added by Smith Paul about 2 months ago ¶
Here is an example:
Buy Ded Moroz suit, Added by Smith Paul about 13 years ago
Buy Ded Moroz suit, Added by Smith Paul about 13 years ago