The process of investigation, performed by investors, into the details of a potential investment, such as an examination of operations and management and the verification of material facts.
PS: This message automatically added from email dropbox to address <dropbox address>+d<deal id>@<redmine mail host>
Deal from email - Furniture design, Added by Smith Paul about 1 month ago ¶
The process of investigation, performed by investors, into the details of a potential investment, such as an examination of operations and management and the verification of material facts.
PS: This message automatically added from email dropbox to address <dropbox address>+d<deal id>@<redmine mail host>
Furniture design, Added by Smith Paul about 2 months ago ¶
Here's the proposal we put together for the concept. I though the meeting went very well. Our team is really excited to get going on this project
Furniture design, Added by Smith Paul almost 12 years ago
Furniture design, Added by Smith Paul over 13 years ago
Furniture design, Added by Smith Paul over 13 years ago